Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Week 6 and 7 is Due When? Oh Jeez.

The crunch was on in Sports and Society via Coursera. In order to complete the course and receive my certificate of completion I needed to have the entire course done by the end of October.

A classic from my room, I needed to heed my own advice here!
So the rest of my life had to be put on hold while I tried to cram week 6 and week 7 into a weekend. Between readings, watching the videos and taking notes, and completing the homework assignment and taking the quiz on the unit, it took up most of my weekend. This for me is one of the pitfalls of a MOOC. It's great that you can flex your time, but it can be really easy to fall behind if you are not diligent in keeping up with your work. Traditional face to face classes, or even just our ECI 831 class has weekly meetings that help refocus your efforts on the course and keep you up to speed on expectations. This can be a challenging aspect of a MOOC course most certainly.

In the end I managed to finish the course on time and received my certificate! It certainly had a sense of satisfaction with the completion, just like other course. When I completed the course my average was 100%, a first for me I would have to admit. Assessment is another aspect of MOOCs that I will explore in my final post, as I'm not really sure how authentic the assessment of learning can really be in a course setup as this.

I'm glad I chose the MOOC option, it was a great experience and unique from other online courses I had taken. I look forward to doing my final post and weighing in the pros and cons of this learning style and other observations about my learnings.